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Established in 2013, ARTLabAfrica is a cultural platform focused on developing experimental art in East Africa and connecting with an international audience.


Operating in a region where the paucity of infrastructure hinders the artistic recognition of the talent and art produced, ARTLabAfrica aims to provide a framework for artists to exhibit their work outside the region, further fostering curatorial practice and creating new dialogues with curators, collectors, museums and cultural producers throughout the world.


As a platform for experimentation ARTLabAfrica functions as an open laboratory for the expression of artistic and cultural practices taking place in East Africa, representing artists whose diverse practices encompass performance, installation, painting, photography and sculpture.


The gallery has supported the production of performative work and has engendered the first commercial presentation of several of the artists it represents outside of the region.

Peterson Kamwathi, Studio Visit, Nairobi, Kenya, 2017

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